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2004; 2003; 2005;
2004; 2003; 2002;
2001; 2000; 1999;
1998; 1997; 1996;
1995; 1994; 1993;
1992; 1991; 1990;
1989; 1988

Official Rules

  1. Teams shall consist of eight runners, each of whom shall complete three legs of approximately 3 miles each while carrying a baton.

Rules Concerning Runners

  1. Team members shall run in a fixed order. The first runner shall complete sections 1, 9, and 17; the second runner shall complete sections 2, 10, and 18, and so on.
  2. Runners must wear official race numbers that correspond to their position on the team. The first runner must wear a number ending in 1; the second runner must wear a number ending in 2, and so on. Race numbers must be visible from the front.
  3. If for medical reasons a runner cannot complete a section, another runner may take over. The substitute must be either the next runner in sequence or the previous runner in sequence (e.g., if runner 3 is injured, runners 2 or 4 may take over). Substitutes must complete all remaining sections for the injured runners they replace, as well as their own sections.

    Once a runner has dropped out of the race, he or she may not re-enter.

    The team shall be eligible for awards in the Mixed or Mixed-Masters divisions if at least three runners of each sex complete the course. The team shall be eligible in the Handicap or Corporate Handicap divisions, but only the handicap times of runners who complete the course will be counted in calculating the team handicap.

      Note 1. Teams are not required to follow the substitution rule unless they are competing for an award. If substitutions are made other than those that are allowed, including the use of extra runners, teams may finish the race but will not be eligible for any award.

      Note 2. The substitution rule applies if one or more runners are missing at the start of the race. One or more substitutes must then complete back-to-back sections (approximately 20 miles in all).

      Note 3. Teams in the Mixed and Mixed-Masters divisions with only three women will be able to follow the rule only if the women follow each other in sequence (e.g., positions 2, 3, and 4).

  4. The baton must be passed from one runner to the next within a marked exchange zone 50 meters in length. While in the exchange zone, runners must remain on the left side of the road.
  5. Runners must carry the baton so that it is visible to race officials while approaching or leaving the exchange zone.
  6. Runners may receive water or other supplies from team members. No other physical contact with the runner is permitted.
  7. Runners who take a wrong turn must return to the course where they left it and continue on the correct route. Runners may use the team vehicle or other transportation to return to the correct route, provided they complete all of the correct route unaided.
  8. Runners must pause at all stop signs, and obey all safety instructions.
  9. Runners must wear a reflective vest or other reflective clothing if running after sunset.
  10. Runners may not wear headphones or any other equipment that interferes with their hearing.

Rules Concerning Vehicles

  1. Teams may use one or two registered vehicles, depending on the team's starting time, to transport runners during the race. Team vehicles must be less than seven feet in width.
  2. Registered team vehicles must display an official identification tag in the front and rear windows. Both tags must be visible to race officials at the exchanges. Only team vehicles displaying both official tags will be allowed to park at the exchanges.
  3. Team vehicles must obey all speed limits, traffic signs, other traffic laws, and instructions from race officials.
  4. Team vehicles must drive at a normal rate of speed. Vehicles may not block or interfere with other vehicles, and must yield right of way to runners at all times.
  5. At the exchanges, team vehicles must park only in designated areas. Vehicles may not stop at an exchange, even to discharge runners, except where directed.

Rules Concerning All Participants

  1. At the exchanges, team members and other participants who are not involved in the exchange of the baton must remain on the right side of the road.
  2. Participants must leave no litter on the course.
  3. Participants should only use bathroom facilities provided. No public urination or other public relief is allowed.

Violation of any rule may result in assessment of time penalties, or in disqualification of the runner or the team.